What was their goal?
When BYD Owners, Hungary’s first online community for BYD electric car enthusiasts, approached us, their goal was clear: expand their reach. They wanted to engage their audience with interesting YouTube videos and a website featuring the latest BYD news.
We shared our ideas, got started on the website and video content, and delivered results that exceeded expectations.
The Results
After consistently creating videos for their YouTube channel, the results started to take off. The channel has now surpassed 170,000 views and continues to grow every day. In addition to the video content, we also designed the website tailored specifically to their needs. You can check it out here: bydtulaj.hu.
Watch our best-performing video here:
Organic YouTube Views
Website Views so far

“Working with e-handyman has been amazing for us. They brought so much creativity and know-how to the table, helping our YouTube channel grow to over 170,000 views—and it’s still climbing! The website they built is exactly what we needed and has become the main spot for BYD fans in Hungary.”